

Why question beliefs? Why come to your own conclusions?

Unjustified beliefs, while seemingly harmless, can promote widespread ignorance, hatred, malice, and violence. For example, Muslims believe their god deems bikinis an improprietous no-no. For this, 215 people were murdered in riots, sparked by the 2002 Miss World Pageant, which was to be hosted in Nigeria's Abuja.

Unquestioned beliefs stifle progress and place humanity in peril. Squelching freedom to express or consider uncomfortable ideas attacks the acquisition and distribution of knowledge.

Galileo's celestial observations contradicted literal biblical interpretation. His findings were suppressed under threat of torture. We know now that asteroids, gamma rays, supermassive black holes, halogenated hydrocarbons, megacaldera, ice ages, methane destabilization, and over-exploiting resources could extinguish all life on Earth. Praying will not abate these threats.

Time is our most precious commodity; arresting advancement or dissemination of knowledge is an intolerable transgression.

Yet science does not answer everything. The scientific method is a tool to discover how the Universe works. Science continually refines insights based on new findings; whereas, belief requires discarding new information to preserve faith.

This book contains commentary on many topics that religious people preach from misunderstanding. This cognitive gap must be filled for it is inherently harmful to believe falsehoods, worse still to pass ignorance on to the next generation. It is axiomatic that the propagation of lies is detrimental to survival.

Religion snakes into science classes, marries politics, and guides formulation of laws. Adherents bombard their beliefs upon others in many ways (gods in constitutions, gods on currency, gods in anthems, swearing on bibles, and crosses on motorways), protect child molesters, are anti-homosexual, cause third-world conflicts, condemn condoms, and promote misogyny. Such evil must stop.

Keep this book with you. Keep a copy on your laptop. Distribute it to friends. Use it to refute the Bible. Refer to it when friends and family members ask questions. Understand arguments, learn about logical fallacies, and grow as a good, kind, and moral free-thinking individual. Also, visit

There are over 7 billion people on the planet. What does our global population imply about food, land, and oil? Learn about the exponential. Educate and improve yourself. Discover hobbies, make friends, see the world, study science, and endeavour to contribute something meaningful to humanity.

Question everything you read in this book.