When people discuss religion, creationism, the Bible, and miracles, they lean on fallacious arguments. Logical fallacies do not support an argument and must be discounted immediately.
Appeal to Authority – The Pope sanctioned child molesting, therefore it must be okay. (Quoting Andrew Wiles on Fermat's Last Theorem would not be fallacious.)
Appeal to the People – Almost every Christian believes the Earth is flat, therefore the Earth is flat.
Anecdotal Evidence – Woah! She turned me into a newt! (A newt?) I got better. Never forget the Salem witch trials.
Ad Hominem – Darwin was a bad person, therefore natural selection and evolution must be wrong.
Circular Reasoning – God created the Bible because the Bible said God created it.[citation needed]
False Dichotomy – There is only Heaven or Hell. (Or neither exist, or you will be reincarnated, etc.)
Slippery Slope – You enjoy sex, thus you will rape cats.
There many others (too many for one page), and all of them demonstrate incorrect reasoning, independently of spiritual faith.