The expression “I’ve got nothing to hide” is deeply encumbered with flawed reasoning. The expression presumes that privacy is about hiding a wrong, but privacy is not about hiding illegal acts.
Privacy means not installing a public video camera above your toilet, or keeping birthday present purchases secret. A curt retort to “if you've nothing to hide” is “that's none of your beeswax.”
Without privacy, governments will abuse knowledge, rather than serve its people. The nothing to hide argument invites:
Surveillance – Privacy erosion gives governments the ability to learn anything about us.
Aggregation – Small pieces of information can form a big picture about your life.
Exclusion – Who may audit how the information is used?
Exploitation – Will information collected for one purpose be used for another purpose (without permission)?
Distortion – Who guarantees the data will not be changed?
Corruption – Vindictive, malfeasant politicians retaliate.